About Me
Hello. My name is Jonathan Sigmon. I am recovering from believing lies about money. I always believed that I would need to work until I was dead. My wife and I both have Masters degrees, but work in service-oriented jobs. We absolutely love what we get to do, but I believed that if you didn’t make a large salary, things like investing and being prepared for retirement just weren’t a realistic goal.
However, a few years ago I started getting more educated. It started by reading several personal finance books, which expanded my mind to what was possible. I couldn’t get enough. Then, I started taking online courses to understand how to do it myself. After seeing successful results, I started helping my friends and family. They started telling their friends that I could help them – and the opportunities to serve others continued to expand. In addition to an undergrad business degree, I added a Financial Coaching Certification.
Why? Because I want to help people like you find financial freedom and be set up with an easy to follow plan that requires minimal maintenance. I don’t want your brain to be consumed by money. I want you to be able to pursue your dreams. And we all have unique dreams – and those dreams cost time, mental energy, focus, and financial equity. For me, with the money my wife and I earn, we want to:
- Create meaningful memories with my friends and family through travel
- Be able to be consistently and spontaneously generous, giving away more than 12% of our gross income every year
- Have enough at retirement to be able to sustain our current lifestyle and continue to travel four times per year
But those are my big picture goals. For you, it could look very different. It could be to drive a really nice car, have a vacation house in Florida, eat ridiculously good food in your city once per week, or have someone else do your laundry. Or maybe you just want to figure out how to manage the debt that you find yourself in (my wife and I had a PILE of student loans too, so no judgment here).
You can help define what you want to do with your money. And I’m here to help you. Whether it’s creating a monthly budget, figuring out if you can afford a house or a new car, setting up investments, or creating a retirement plan, I’d love to help. There are a plethora of free resources on the site – or you can do what many have done to jump start their financial goals and we can talk.
Thanks for hearing some of my financial story – I look forward to getting to hear yours and how I can help!

A Word From My Lawyer
This website has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used for financial advice. Past performance is not indicative of future results and can fluctuate due to changing market conditions and changing economic conditions. I am not a financial advisor, therefore any information given or spoken about is for educational purposes only.
All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. All financial/investment opinions expressed via email and phone are based on personal research and experience. Although best efforts are made to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date, occasionally unintended errors and misprints may occur. I will not advise you personally concerning the nature, potential, value, or suitability of any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, investment strategy or other matter. If you wish to do this, please consult your own financial advisor.